Introducing iPhone 15 Pro | Apple

♪ Thrilling motion picture songs ♪ [REVVED ENGINE PASSING] [REVVING] [TIRES SCREECHING] [REVVING] ♪ [REVVING AND ALSO SCREECHING] [EXPLOSIONS] The titanium apple iphone 15 Pro, constructed with
an aerospace-grade material, a new degree
of mobile pc gaming power, and an electronic camera that can actually
fire a blockbuster movie. – Wait, what? A titanium pc gaming powerhouse
flick electronic camera phone? Is that also a point? – Yes, it is absolutely a point. Titanium, the exact same product
made use of in spacecraft layout, makes iPhone 15 Pro
and iPhone 15 Pro Max our lightest Pro versions ever. Titanium'' s one-of-a-kind residential properties provide it one of the highest strength-to-weight proportions of any kind of steel.

– Which generally indicates it'' s light enough to get up right into room as well as solid sufficient to make it right back to Planet. Oops. – The brand-new design is available in four Pro finishes and now consists of a USB-C adapter with superfast transfer rates. As well as there'' s. an adjustable Action switch for quicker access.
to your favored feature, from opening up the electronic camera.
to turning on a shortcut. apple iphone 15 Pro.
obtains a major efficiency upgrade from the A17 Pro chip.With a brand-new 6-core GPU. and a quicker Neural Engine, it comes to be an extremely. powerful mobile gaming equipment, enabling higher-quality graphics. as well as rich, immersive game worlds never seen before. on a mobile phone. [SNARLING] -Whoa, these graphics. draw out every stunning
, horrible detail. [ROARS] -It ' s really scary. – It'' s a brand-new phase. in performance for iPhone and a brand-new age of mobile pc gaming. for the world.
For digital photography,.
the brand-new Pro electronic camera system presses the limits.
of what you can catch with a mobile phone. It'' s like having. 7 professional lenses at the ready, ranging from 13-millimeter focal.
size on the Ultra Wide cam to 120-millimeter.
on the brand-new 5x Telephoto cam on iPhone 15 Pro Max. – Tell her to take four actions.
to the left, please. – The Pro Max gets apple iphone'' s. lengthiest optical zoom ever, utilizing a first-of-its-kind.
tetra prism style. – It'' s like having.
a huge telephoto lens, however it'' s just in there. – And also the much more advanced.
48-megapixel Key camera brings super-high resolution.
to images, which can now be become.
a portrait after you'' ve shot, with an adjustable focus factor.
for an all-new degree of control.

– That'' s better. – And also when it comes.
to filmmaking, it'' s now feasible to videotape.
straight to an outside drive, making it possible for iPhone 15 Pro.
to shoot in ProRes 4K at 60 structures per second. – Action!
[REVVING] – So the camera catches.
every information of this. [EXPLOSIONS] – Cut! – With as much as 20 times quicker.
transfers allowed by USB 3 and support for pro styles, the process between.
capturing as well as post-production is enormously enhanced. – So I can take that video footage.
as well as do this as well as this, and also voilà, movie theater. – A little less magenta. – She'' s right. – Whether large motion pictures.
or daily video clips, professional-level filmmaking.
is in the palm of your hand. So of course, a movie-making,.
high-res-shot-taking pc gaming giant constructed.
with aerospace-grade titanium. iPhone 15 Pro is the a lot of.
powerful apple iphone ever made.

[CLANG]- Boom. ♪.

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